1 min read

Kelly Williams

Kelly Williams is a survivor and advocate for sexual assault victims. Along with her son, Kelly manages the nonprofit TommyTalksPA. Kelly and Tommy advocate giving victims a voice, regardless of their story. Most importantly, Kelly's work reminds survivors that someone will listen and that they are not alone. Can you describe what it was like for you as a crime victim in the court system? It was completely overwhelming and extremely hard to navigate. Even now that I know how the system should work, it's still overwhelming at times.  What did you find to be the most frustrating aspect?  It's so unbelievably frustrating that the perpetrators' rights were followed and ours had been ignored over and over. Even more frustrating is that we couldn't do anything about it -- except to get a phone call made asking that our rights be followed AFTER they were violated. How do you believe Marsy’s Law for Pennsylvania will most help crime victims in the state? Marsy’s Law will help victims in Pennsylvania by holding the justice system accountable when it fails. As it stands right now in this moment, nothing is enforced it is just requested that victims’ rights are followed. If they are not, victims have no recourse. Do you have any words of encouragement for other crime victims? No matter how you feel, remember that you and your opinion matters. You have a right to say how the crime altered your life. You are so much more than what happened to you and do not allow anyone to make you feel otherwise!

2 min read

Crystal Matheson

Crystal Matheson, once a victim of domestic violence and now a dedicated victims' advocate, has transformed her harrowing experiences into a force...

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2 min read

Sophia Fifner

Sophia Fifner is an advocate and activist for women and girls. For more than 15 years, she has served as a bold change agent for issues regarding...

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Harralyn Rawls

2 min read

Harralyn Rawls

Harralyn Rawls, a survivor of domestic violence and a victim advocate, is also the co-founder of Fellowship Community Outreach, an organization that...

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