2 min read

Rachael Venters

Rachael Venters is a survivor of domestic violence and a strong supporter of Marsy's Law in Idaho. Born and raised in a poor farming community in Southern Illinois, she first encountered domestic violence as a teenager with a boyfriend, who later became her husband and then ex-husband. It was in Illinois that she also met another individual who would move her to Northern Idaho, where she endured further torture and life-threatening experiences. Now, Rachael lives in a violence-free home with her two children and their pets, having bravely navigated her way to safety and recovery.  Can you describe what it was like for you as a crime victim in the Idaho court system? The legal system was another way that my perpetrator controlled me. I had to defend myself and my actions, turning over medical records, phone records, bank records, contact information for friends, acquaintances, and coworkers. He stalked me and took pictures that were allowed as evidence at trial. My ex was able to use his criminal trial to declare war on me. By the time that trial was over, I felt like I had lost my place as the victim of his crimes and had somehow become the perpetrator. What did you find to be the most frustrating aspect? My voice was not heard in the court system. When I asked why he was still allowed to control and stalk me, I was told it was because he had rights as a defendant. I did not have those rights as a victim, I wasn’t protected. The trial took over two years and it was devasting to relive the trauma over and over. I was not allowed to heal or to move on because his rights as a defendant were more important than my rights as a victim.  How do you believe Marsy’s Law for Idaho will most help crime victims in the state? I believe it will give other crime victims’ rights to use their voices and have those voices heard.  I relived those painful memories over and over as I had to defend every action and was terrified day and night because I never knew when he would show up. Marsy’s Law for Idaho will help protect victims from being revictimized through the court system. It will allow victims the strength to keep pushing through because they know that their rights are also protected. Do you have any words of encouragement for other crime victims? Keep your chin up and keep pushing through. I want other victims and survivors of crimes to know that no matter how bleak their situation looks now, there is always hope. One thing that has stuck with me stems from when I was first tinkering with the idea of leaving the perpetrator. The night before he had strangled me until I passed out. I had shown up to work that morning with bruising on my neck, and my manager who was helping me clean up at work looked me straight in the eyes very seriously and said, “Sometimes you have to make a mess to clean up a mess.” I knew exactly what he meant. And every time I was in court (which was a lot) I reminded myself of two things:  It only takes one, and sometimes you gotta make a mess to clean it up. I want to tell my story so that it can help others who are currently going through, or who have survived a domestic violence situation. I want them to know that they are not alone. I also want to help those in positions of power directly related to domestic violence victims see how their decisions and actions affect victims and survivors.
Harralyn Rawls

2 min read

Harralyn Rawls

Harralyn Rawls, a survivor of domestic violence and a victim advocate, is also the co-founder of Fellowship Community Outreach, an organization that...

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For one Victim, the Struggle to Regain a Sense of Control

Natalie Marti’s experience as a victim of crime begins in February 2003 when she, her husband, and their baby daughter were driving home on an Idaho...

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1 min read

Funteller Hicks

Funteller Hicks shares her story from Utica, MississippiIn 2007, my ex-husband broke into my home and stabbed me over 30 times in the presence of my...

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