1 min read

Sylvia's Story

Nearly 15 years ago, my daughter, Angie Leon, was shot and killed by her estranged husband. Three weeks shy of her 22nd birthday, my daughter was taken from me and her three children. For the rest of our lives, we’ll be the victims of this senseless crime.Angie wanted to move away from the man she grew to fear. She wanted to attend Idaho State University to become a nurse or a pharmacist — though she hadn’t yet decided her career path. She thought she had the chance to get away from her abusive, estranged husband while he was completing a nine-month, court-ordered rider program. She was wrong. Angie was notified after a hearing that her husband was going to be released from jail within the hour. Abel Leon Ramirez, Angie’s husband, found where Angie and their three children lived and on May 19, 2003, he shot and killed my daughter. Sadly, my three grandchildren and I were witnesses to this tragedy. The law -as it still does today- only required the victim to be given prior notice of release from jail. I can’t help but think that if Idaho’s laws required for Angie to be notified sooner, she would still be alive today. I am advocating for Marsy’s Law for Idaho because it will make that change and make sure the victims are given timely notice about the release of their abusers. No other family should suffer the loss of their loved ones because the call came too late.

3 min read

For one Victim, the Struggle to Regain a Sense of Control

Natalie Marti’s experience as a victim of crime begins in February 2003 when she, her husband, and their baby daughter were driving home on an Idaho...

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2 min read

Tina Gregg

After her daughter was stalked and murdered by her ex-boyfriend and boss in 2011, Tina Gregg was never notified when the man charged with her...

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4 min read

The Baker Family

Kristin Baker's daughters, Eva and Emily, were sexually assaulted as children by their paternal grandfather who is currently being considered for...

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